BetJizzim Waxes and Whines

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Posted by panch from ( on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 12:38PM :

Written by Peter BetBasoo on 19 Jun 2002 17:51:10:

As an answer to: no such thing written by Sargon Donabed on 19 Jun 2002 16:15:03:

>Comprimise this.......1!1


You are right. There comes a time when a person has to be intellectually honest and accept the truth, that we are all Assyrians.

+++You can all say you are Dobermans...where is the proof? You say you don't need any because "you know the truth". It would be intellectually comprehensible, never mind "honest", if you admitted you had no more proof than anyone else of you.

In accepting the truth, one then is ready to understand that there are forces out there that are explicitly working on the annihilation of Assyrians.

+++That only follows in your pimply head. Once you guys get done trashing the English language, anything you claim has to be allowed and everything anyone else wnats to claim has also to be allowed. When we step back and realize that you are little more than Christians from Arab countries...your words...and that you are all as mad as wet Christians to have been tossed out...we see a lot more clearly that NO ONE believes we are Assyrians at all...just pissed off and treacherous Christians who want their co-religionists to ride to their they have never done.

+++That said and" honestly realized"'s clear that you yourselves are causing each other more harm, and helping to pay for the damages too, than anyone else ever could, or cares to. Just what do you think you on The Block, or over there in a handfull of mud villages that anyone in their right mind wants? What the hell are you talking about?

+++You have turned your hatred of Muslims into an "Assyrian national Question". Here's the answer..."You can't possibly be Assyrian...your every move confirms it".

These are primarily Arab/Kurdish/Turkish/Muslim forces. A person who is not secure in his identity will easily by manipulated by these nefarious groups.

+++++Nefarious your arse! No one is doing a goddmaned thing to you except other Christians...who are also the ones bombing your "beloved" homeland. Wasn't an Arab who blocked the Shumirum and it sure as hell wasn't any kind of an Assyrian. And it wasn't your kind of "Assyrian" who paid for it. Keep giving it away...if you had to sell your stuff to eat you'd starve to death.

The danger can come from the least expected source, such as the church.

++++It's patriots like yourselves who are every bit as "dangerous"...if anyone listened to you but other nut cases.

Many have tried to assimilate the Assyrians, all have failed, and all will fail. Not even the Borg can succeed.

++++You are about as American as a person could wish. Assyrians themselves are running and straining to be accepted and blend in. What are you talking about...who assimilated you from a Jassim to a Betbasoo...a Kurd?

Assimilate this!

++++And shove that!


-- panch
-- signature .

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