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=> Assyrian National Council in Chicago to

Assyrian National Council in Chicago to
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Thursday, March 25 2004, 19:45:52 (EST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
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Assyrian National Council in Chicago to Purchase Jewish Synagogue

Congregation Bnai Emunah's property at 9131 Niles Center Road in Skokie (suburban Chicago) is under contract for sale to the Assyrian National Council of Illinois, according to Bnaii Emunah president, Mort Winer.

Winer said the sale of the property should be completed on June 30. Congregation Bnai Emunah, a conservative Jewish synagogue, has been in Skokie for 50 years.

Skokie trustees last year rejected a zoning proposal from the synagogue that would have cleared the way for the construction of multi-family housing on its property.

In order to move ahead with the project, trustees would have had to approve rezoning for the synagogue property at 9131 Niles Center Road from B-1 commercial and R-1 single family residential to R-4 general.

But because trustees turned down the zoning change, they never heard details of the synagogue's site plan, which called for a 44-unit four-story condominium development on its 2-acre property.

Many residents who live near the synagogue raised concerns about excessive traffic in the area.

Although congregation members made a case that the development would fit the neighborhood, Winer this week said he has come to understand the Village Board's decision.

"It was the right decision," he said.

"After I sat down with the mayor and the reasons were explained to me, I now believe the village did the right thing."

Congregation Bnai Emunah once had a membership of 1,200. But the membership has dwindled, Winer said, which has been common for conservative Jewish synagogues in recent times.

The Assyrian National Council of Illinois would not have to go before the Village Board if the use of the Congregation Bnai Emunah building remains the same.


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