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=> Bowling for Elephant

Bowling for Elephant
Posted by Eunuch (Guest) - Saturday, November 15 2003, 14:35:48 (EST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
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My roommate and I live in close proximity to the local art theatre, the only movie theatre that I'd be caught dead in (other than the Detroit Film Theatre)... and it was there that I was Bowling for Columbine, and, more recently, Elephant.

After seeing elephant, my friend noted that if there were ever to be a "double header" line up of movies to see in the history of the world, it would be Bowling for Columbine first, followed by Elephant.

As David Chibo (I think) pointed out, Marilyn Manson was asked by Michael Moore what he would say to the Columbine shooters if he had the chance... and his response was that he would listen to what they had to say instead of saying anything.

Elephant is a movie that introduces you to several students, one at a time, and you follow them throughout the course of the day. The really great thing about this film is that instead of preaching to you, it actually does the opposite. It just shows you the high school atmosphere that I remember well... some of it is highly exaggerated, while some of it is really dead on accurate... and you can see why what happened happened. (Yes, that does make sense) Also, the scenes are very cleverly set up... you'll know what I mean if you see it... very nice camera work.

In fact, since there is no preaching, you are left to decide for yourself why the violence took place. It's complicated or simple, depending on your point of view. I recommend you watch it.


-- Eunuch (aka Jeff)

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