The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Finally, The TRUTH!

Finally, The TRUTH!
Posted by The Nineveh Kid (Guest) - Thursday, March 25 2004, 21:20:02 (EST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"...I amuse the readers here by sparring with people are a tremendous help in my work." Thus Spake Parhad, The Idiot!

Thanks for finally revealing your real agenda in the above statement. Finally, YOU have spoken the TRUTH! You "use" people. You twist what they say to fit your agenda. You tell them what they think and believe. You are deaf to what others say, so you can hang any accusation on them that you want. Do you really think I was serious when I complimented you? It took a lot of feigned meekness and time to coax the Truth out of you, but it just had to come out sooner or later. Your megalomania is really unbelieveable. "Your work?" Do you think the world cares what you say? All you know is hate. Sure, you'll turn that around and say, "no, it's the Christians that hate and blah, blah blah... your posts on this Forum are a broken record repeating the same tired, worn-out diatribes against Christians over and over and over. You are on a one track highway to nowhere. There are as many religions in this world as there are people. Your religion is YOURSELF. You worship yourself and your liturgy is profanity and blasphemy. Your, "work," as you call it, is thankfully coming to a end, with each passing second. As you leave the Earth, don't forget to call upon Ashur to help you. I'm sure he'll be most attentive to your pleas. I really pity you. You are probably the most pitiful excuse for a human being I have ever had the misfortune to cross paths with. Your Forum is a JOKE. You badmouth AINA. What a laugh that is. You ban more people than AINA ever did. Of course you don't call it banning. No one wants to come on your Forum to listen to your petty, hate-baiting attacks on Christians. Now let me be perfectly blunt and truthful: I hate everything you stand for on this Forum. The hate what you preach against Christians and Jesus Christ. It is pure EVIL and the only people that agree with your hatred and blasphemy are just like you; they are your Choir. I don't hate you for one simple reason, because it is impossible to hate such a pitiful, miserable human being like you. I just pity you and I laugh at your stupidity and pig-headedness. HARDY-HAR-HAR-HAR...


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