The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Main St. Returns from Exile

Re: Main St. Returns from Exile
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Monday, March 22 2004, 12:37:38 (EST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

On college kids worrying about IRAs,
I can't tell you HOW many people around my age that I have met that are already worrying about retirement, etc. But I wouldn't say it's entirely their fault...their parents are the ones that are drilling this idea into them.

If young people realized just how fucked they really were, they would get their asses out and vote Bush out of office...because we will be paying off this debt for a long time.

Funny thing, I read an article in global issues class in high school which examined the amount of money the USGovt has spent on wars in the past 100 years about equals (after adjustment for inflation and interest, etc.) our national debt of 4 trillion dollars.

Isn't that interesting?

Just how does a national debt work?? It seems odd that this nation HAS that much debt...and still functions and spends like it ain't no thang.


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