The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Speaking of God & country

Re: Speaking of God & country
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, April 1 2004, 8:14:36 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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what delight he is. I find his take on religion especially interesting. It would seem for the common man and woman, church affairs are moving backwards to that simplicity everyone laments as being replaced with pomp and gold. I can visualize the old Christians huddling in unheated vaults`s just as scary for they did indeed breed the militants of the church today who are using god to have their way with the rest of us because the rest of us are too dumb to see what`s coming.

Irony is all those centuries of cash and investments have made the church independent of the CIA they have enough money out there at work for them to never need another billion in state or parishoner funding.

Jack has to pull his punches a bit but I don`t...Christianity has been the bloodiest scourge the world has seen...and to prove the point, everyone reading this just flashed on a choir of angel faced boys and thought of Christmas trees. While you keep your eyes fixed on these and heaven too...we are being despoiled down here on earth.


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