The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Shlimon Bet-Shmuel's New CD, Boonie Ba-B

Shlimon Bet-Shmuel's New CD, Boonie Ba-B
Posted by Kinnara (Guest) - Saturday, March 27 2004, 23:21:10 (EST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: Assyrian Market Inc. -

[ 260 x 260 - 1.73 ko ]
Boonie Ba-Boona offers the listener a pulsating mixture of orchestral sounds that cover eastern and western instruments. Accompanied by a variety of musicians, Bet-Shmuel offers melodies of hope and love, while enchanting the listener with a mixture of poetry and Assyrian folk.

The enhanced portion of this CD production is a first for the Assyrian music industry. It provides an interactive way for the listener to become apart of the recording process that went into Boonie Ba-Boona.

CD features:

6 digitally produced tracks.

Acoustic instruments & complete orchestration

10 panel full color folder that includes lyrics to all 6 songs written in Syriac.

Enhanced CD includes project description, recording session photos, and special video interviews from various musicians (10 minutes +).

Pre-Sale availble at


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