The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> boys [from Aina...and soon to be deleted

boys [from Aina...and soon to be deleted
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Monday, March 29 2004, 1:54:26 (EST)
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Posted By: parhad (
Date: Sunday, 28 March 2004, at 10:09 p.m.

all through school right up to the third grade, when I dropped out, I was always told by other sniveling boys that well, they`d like to SAY something TOO...ya know...but what with me talking so much..well, they just COULDN`T...truth was, they didn`t have anything to say either...and not till you clear anyone away from here who can think and chew gum at the same time will these heroes and thinkers of ours speak fact they`re sitting fuming waiting for Pete to get out and get all this nonsense out of their way and THEN they`ll zing me a good one of two...once they`re sure it`s safe and their ridiculous comebacks will be left undisturbed...come ON, can you have the gall to call yourselves Assyrians???

You are descended form the ones who ran...and then went to hide in quaking fear...which is about all you inherited from anywhere.

When did Assyrians run from swords or arrows that they now run and hide from WORDS!!!

Editorial Note: This was written by Fred Farhat at AINA... he owns the place until the admins get back.


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