The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> patented bullshit

patented bullshit
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, March 26 2004, 17:45:06 (EST)
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that also has the stamp of approval of Time. The Las vegas Christians have this on their Christian site...the usual ones who hide behind the Assyrian heritage because who needs ten MORE Christians!

AASLV was established in 1999 as a Nevada 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation. AASLV is a charitable and educational organization. See "About us" for more information about AASLV.

Assyrians are not Syrians. Today's Assyrians are direct descendants of ancient civilizations who ruled Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq).

...they are not. That is an absurd staement...todays Italians are not direct decsendants of Julius Caesar. Back then the Assyrians weren`t even the direct descendants of the Assyrians. This is fascism pure and simpleminded. The Nazis did the same thing with their Teutonic bloodlines...who dared argue? They`d just delete you...permanently.

Evidence of Assyrian cities in Mesopotamia dates back to 4,500 BC. Assyrian empire extended from Caspian Sea to Cypress and Egypt. Assyrians lost their statehood in 612 BC, after the fall of the capital city, Nineveh. Assyrians are one of the oldest nations and one of the first to embrace Christianity. "nation" has EVER embraced was always brought to them through conquest and forced conversion...every nation has within it curious elements who might try something there are any number of Muslim pockets in America, Latin America and Europe...but those countries were FORCIBLY brought to Christ...never willingly.

Assyrian history provides evidence of this nation's contributions to the foundation of law, science, literature, government administration, democracy and liberty.

...of course..but never as Christians. Under Ashur , our own god...we did all that and more. Under yahwe we`ve run and run and then run some more..of yes...we talk a lot too.

Assyrians fought along side of Allies in W.W.I and W.W.II to protect democratic values. they didn`t and neither did the allies. The Allies attacked a country, Turkey, that never did a thing to them except have oil..and they just did it again. In the Second World War the Christians of Europe tried to exterminate the Jews and seize the oil rich regions around the Caspian Sea....they already had betNahrain after their first war "for democracy". When they aren`t killing people for Christ, they`re killing them for democracy...doesn`t matter to the people..they`re dead either way. Had those regions not had one would have cared enough to kill them for either.

...Christrians of the MidEast sided with their co-religionists in those wars as they have since the First Crusade...always eager and ever hopeful to be "given" what they willingly and foolishly gave up...

Membership in AASLV is open to all those who are interested in early civilizations, and goals and objectives of this organization. Your contributions to AASLV are tax deductible. We appreciate your support.

...we`d appreciate some accuracy in are Christians from Muslim countries...all the people in that region are descendants of the ancient Mesipotamians..and in one case especially..those who converted to Islam after a depressing bout of Christianity during which they managed to wear their knees to the bone, went on to create another golden empire, an Islamic one and bring learning and soap to the world.


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