The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Of wives and family members

Re: Of wives and family members
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Saturday, August 28 2004, 8:15:01 (CEST)
from Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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>Now...and should you and your wife still be in a humorous vein...I expect you to carry through on your promise to break my it and place it here...if you like funny renditions of your and your wife will laugh up a it, or else.

Or else what Farid, more words from you? I've lived through it for years and have actually come to enjoy it.

As for smashing your idol, I will sleep on it and you will know for sure tomorrow. I may just decide to keep him around as a reminder of you.

As for mentioning of wives names, for the umpteenth time - I will not only refrain from ever mentioning her name again, I will never mention her at all.

But each other, I mean you and I, we are fair game - right? Seeing that I have all these wonderful photographs of the real live you and all. Some of them depict you holding in your hands, tenderly, peices of your sculpture. My mind is racing at the possibilities. You know how low us Christians can get - well, I may just lower that bar just a little.

Give the honeymoon skit your best shot, khayee. Both my wife and I are waiting eagerly, all we ask is that you make it worth the wait.



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