The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Electoral Vote Predictor 2004: Kerry 298 Bush 231

Re: Electoral Vote Predictor 2004: Kerry 298 Bush 231
Posted by St. Me (Guest) - Thursday, November 4 2004, 19:34:31 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Mozilla
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Jesus on Dope wrote:
>TRUTH IS RELATIVE AND I DON'T THINK YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH. The truth of the matter is that Florida and Ohio as they were promised delievered just as 2000 election's.
>Our foundingfathers-separation of Church-State is what united us and since George Bush and Neo-Con of yester years and today's have broken that seal we all including our children going to pay the price.

You don't even know the concept of Seperation of Church and State. You let the ACLU who coined that phrase "seperation of church and state" in 1950's define it for you. If you take time for one will again see what the founding fathers really meant. You are confused about the term that was put out by the ACLU. I think Thomas Jefferson would be a better source. To different ideas.


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