The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> The Nile Speaks

The Nile Speaks
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, May 7 2005, 15:45:57 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..over at aina, where they`re all wet all the time, Nile posted about scholarships available to Chadlo-Asshos...and was meat promptly with several Asshos telling her they didn`t need scholarships at aina..they have Aprim. They also said there are no Chaldos at aina..only Asshos, so what was she doing posting there. Here`s her measured response...

"From where all this anger, venom, hatred, extremism, and insecurity. You may say what you want about the Chaldean community, but one of the major reasons that the two communities are so fractured is that on the Chaldean side, they are nauseated with this radical and extremist behavior of hatred against everyone..This is something that they fear will tarnish their good reputation within Iraqi society."

..the first part of your question is easy to answer..the boys act like this because they don`t know who they are...they sure as hell aren`t Assyrians and they loathe being Arabs and they`re pretty shitty Christians too when you come right down to what are they?...even they know, in the dark of night, that there`s no proof at all to any of their claims...and that makes them testy and nasty too.

...It`s true...the boys ARE nauseating. All of them have run out of Iraq...claiming they had enemies everywhere who FEARED them...and from a safe distance are trying to make life as much of a hell as possible for those who stayed and try to live and contribute to Iraqi the boys these are all the supreme TRAITORS! And "patriotism" is trying to undo anything positive that might occur in Iraq...that`s why they`re so pleased at the devastation and hope it will continue AND that more Christians will be "martyred".

...besides which none of them write...they can barely what would they use a scholarship for? Besides that, I mean.


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