The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> amazing disgrace...

amazing disgrace...
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Monday, July 11 2005, 4:56:15 (CEST)
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..these "proud" Christians are something..ain't they? They bring up what the glorious Assyrians did over 3000 years ago...praise them for inventing a spoon but then damn them for protecting their Shushan leaves her front door unlocked, no doubt. At the same time they tell us that although there might be a Muslim or two you can tolerate, we can't forget the REALITY of a REAL world and then they ignore the REALITY of what the Assyrians created, as attested to by a mere fraction of what they built which has survived and come down to us...instead they chase after a phantom, brought to them on the say-so of five out of work Jew fishermen who seem to carry more weight with these assholes than their OWN WORDS written in tablets, their own patrimony left for them and all people but ESPECIALLY for them...while they run after the second and third hand fantastic LIES of a bunch of Jews who invented the bible down by the docks of Alexandria. It is one big Pisheeta indeed and it stinks to high heaven!

...the really enlightened ones among them say they reject the foolishness in the bible but swoon over Jesus, the Jew...and all the time they tell us they are the REAL Assyrians...the ONLY Assyrians THEM!

Jesus is the leader of the religion which only 60 years ago...not 3000...rounded up completely innocent Jews and tortured and killed them all. Just three generations ago. Sure, they didn't paint it or sculpt it, they just DID IT!!! Not to mention the wholesale crimes they committed in the New World as they spread the legs of one indigenous native population after another and raped them to produce a bumper crop of children all taught to hate their ancestors, as Shushan was taught, but love those who raped their mothers and fathers and desecrated their religions and smashed their cultures...but the sweet words of Jesus wash all that away, the Jesus they trot out when their crimes become too obvious and overwhelm even them, as when Shushan catches a glimpse of herself hurling shitwords and wishing destruction to all those she hurts and comes back at them, with shame and guilt, with her custard all the blood and guts that is the legacy of Christianity they rummmage around to lift one arm of Jesus out of the mess and dance around it in glee proclaiming the "love of Jesus"...while they ignore all the manifest greatness and refinement and talent and humanity of their own ancestors and instead go rummaging among the monuments and art and science and medicine and tablets FILLED with their rich history told in their OWN words and instead drag out a bloody arm and say, "AHA! You see...there was BLOOD shed in Assyria...THAT's why we follow Jesus"!!!

Go to him...the poor bastard.

The millions upon millions killed by Christians were an "error"...such as the over 100,000 women killed as witches in Germany ALONE, by devout Christians...staggers the imagination..and these were "pious" people as in love with Jesus as Shushan method these priests had for determining if a young, pretty girl was a witch was to strip her naked,'s amazing how often a witch had to be naked to be tried and stuff, no?...then a sharp needle would be rammed into her body as many as THREE HUNDRED TIMES...all OVER her nubile body...and if a spot was found where no blood flowed...she was NOT a witch....they pierced the budding breasts, round firm buttocks, rosy nipples and tender vaginas of many a young girl and delicious for them, no doubt. Of course the tormented and completely innocent girls would eventually "confess". And that's the bare tip of the iceberg where these inhumane Christian saints are concerned..."oops, sorry...we didn't mean to" Assyrians NEVER did these kinds of things and if they were alive today, as they are...would have not a DAMN thing to apologize for.

But...3000 years ago the Assyrians laid down the foundations of civilization and then protected it...and the Hebrews have told our idiots that they were CRUEL and Savage too!

This...this desperation to find SOME redeeming quality in Chritianity while at the SAME time searching high and low and lying about and manufacturing ANY slander at all against their own ancestors, is what makes these bastards souless and the garbage can of the universe.

It's like a parent excusing every fault in the rich kid down the street whose rich daddy can get them into the Paradise Country Club while frantically seeking out ANY flaw in her own child, because that rich kid is jealous of the glorious Lamasu her own "cruel" child built...that's a mother or a motherfucker?


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