The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> if you try real hard....

if you try real hard....
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Monday, May 23 2005, 14:56:49 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: say hound Jews for 1000 years...or use Jews to hound Muslims...if you torture children and young adults by subjecting them to whatever you feel like doing to them..if you kidnap Blacks, entire families...rape the mothers in front of the husbands and children...rape sons in front of mothers etc. and when you`re done, sell them off to diffrent parts of the world..and if you pray to someone you call a god of Love while doing all of this...and you continue it for hundreds of may well find yourself surrounded by deascendats of the people you began abusing and torturing ages before...who may not LIKE YOU!

At that point, overwhelmed by the number of people YOU have tortured and who now want a little, a very very little of their own well may feel that you are in "danger" and justify yourself in even going FARTHER and torturing them all some order to "make yourself secure"...

Go ahead..rachet up the crimes the White Christians have been commiting with abandon all those years they felt safely at the top of the game...go ahead...give that many more people that many more reasons to hate you...see if they ever stop. Madness and cruelty will breed its own.

Besides which this is crap and these men know`s more of the ways in which they get elected to office and divert the public`s attention from the crimes THEY are committing..against their own people too...we are being "protected" to death.


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