The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> it's okay to BE stupid, buit not to point it out...

it's okay to BE stupid, buit not to point it out...
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Saturday, July 23 2005, 7:54:06 (CEST)
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...from a post at beath where they've all got two by fours up their arses...

"The problem with a "satire" like this is that you post it on sites read by Iraqi Muslims and what you are doing is exaggerating claims by a few Diaspora Assyrians to make it look like they want to kick their Muslims neighbors out... and what you are doing is inciting a hate and perhaps contributing to a future genocide of Christians by using this type of false hate propoganda."

...let's review this...Kris is the one inciting a genocide...KRIS??? Are you boys joking? YOU are the ones who said this war was most necessary to PROTECT the Christians there...YOU are the ones that said the Sanctions were "working"...and these calls for triangles come from ALL of you...what you resent is the stark light cast on your idiocy by the glare of a sharp satire...the same thing EVERY rat caught out in the light feels.

...when you see it read back to you, with a slight tweaking of YOUR own suddenly see how foolish you are and are afraid that the rest of US will see it too...the Muslims already know you're bats....they hardly need Kris to drive the point home.

...All the countries mentioned by Kris have had your claims made against have said all of them were your "indigenous" homes and each Chrisrian sect in those countries has made claims for lands and reparations...the only difference is that you have never considered the COSTS of these harebained ideas...what it would mean to existing populations and how this added injustice would fan the flames of religious hatred to a fever which time you could all cry about your DEAR fellow Christians whom YOU would manage to get killed at an even faster rate than you've managed so far.

Are you that devious or just a naive fool?

...I think he did exactly what satire does uses YOUR stupidity, in this make the bring all the idiocy with you, only it makes sense to you so far as no one shows it back to you from another perspective...then you have a coniption fit...forgeting that it is YOU who supplied the joke, in the person of yourselves and your Kakovitches and Hannas, which Kris merely added the punchline to.

...these claims to indigenous status based solely on your Christian religion...a religion about as trusted and welcome in Iraq today, especially you foreign ones who belong to other countries, as Islamic DEMANDS from foreigners would be in America, is the the real CRIME here...not SHOWING you what criminals you are preaching sedition...that is a crime in any have never been persecuted in have been prosecuted for spreading's that simple....that you do it from churches and in the guise of evangelizing has only meant that you made targets of criminal investigation of your churches...the village idiot ones to be exact.

...this is the reason you're all desperate to suppress these kinds of satires or confrontations...because you don't know what to say to show we are wrong...because we're're the same damfools who said we should trust the Britiah again and the Americans too...and anyone ELSE who wants to declare war on BetNahrain, so long as they are Christians, like didn't want to hear us argue with you then either...

Be off with you and demand someone else's pubes.


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