The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: ah shit!!! Not AGAIN!!!

Re: ah shit!!! Not AGAIN!!!
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Wednesday, September 27 2006, 1:01:37 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Dalale wrote:
>I've proved my faith many times over Mr. Pancho......and I'm not a insult me by calling me a "Christian"...and neither is Jesus a Christian.....and he is insulted at what has been done to his "church".... I don't care about death... i'm ready for it......

..yes but is death ready for you?
>Jesus loved Ghandi, Marx, and maybe even you more so than any of these "Christians"....You wanted to hurt me with your comments so I want to hurt you back.... are the pro at hurting think to excuse it, like Shushan did, by citing your "problems"...I have news for you...we ALL have them...we just don`t all go on and on about them...or use them. You DO seem to unsettle easily..and you DO live in asylums...what had my children to do with anything? You didn`t hurt me by using them...but it seems rather cowardly of you.

if that makes me not a "Christian" all the better... I don't need to prove anything to were right....Jesus is not coming... Christianity is a hoax.....the Vatican worships Plato and creates Deamons....They hate Islam...because Muslims are men while they dance around with each other in Rome...
>And now we all know the secret code. Alpha and Omega is Plato the Homosexual... there is no "Jesus Christ".... read Revelations.... Jesus says it himself....

...what have you got against Plato????
>Say hello to your fellow Assyrians who sent messenger to threaten me in the hospital....

...there you go just can`t stand being rational.

My father also sends his greetings to you all... now that we know...we are carefull.....CODE WHITE....CODE WHITE...CODE WHITE...thats all you hear in the hospital where the Klu Kluts Klan rules...

....whoa baby!
>Inshallah the Arabs will destroy your stinking countries.......A Muslim saved my life....not am "Assyrian" nor a "Christian".... and for the Protestant Women who came to see the angel as she was asleep...or the Bitch in the hospital who gave me medication and I spit it out because it tasted like poison......and then she said to me...."don't spit swallow"....."we don't kill people" i'll see you all on the day of judgment....You can kill people incluidng me....but you cant kill spirit nor ideology nor Truth....

...I can`t tell if you`re really nutty or pleased to act the part. Perhaps it`s better to ignore you after all. get to be whoever you say you are...kay?


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