The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> as the boys rage on....

as the boys rage on....
Posted by dr pancho (Guest) - Saturday, April 8 2006, 19:47:22 (CEST)
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...and on about the injustice of creating a Kurdistan, let's sit back, smile, and remind them that this only happened when the Christian West, whom the boys were sure this time would REALLY save them, made it so....that until then NO Iraqi leader had ever allowed such a thing...let them think long and hard about the next time they tell us all about politics and political thinking and about how Christianity SAVED sure as hell didn't save "Assyria" MADE it Kurdistan!!!

(note: no need to place quotes around Kurdistan for the simple fact that it really DOES exist, while "Assyria" is a fig newton of Firas' conjuring)

...and while we're on the seems the gringos are finding out a little how difficult it is to make a unity government in Iraq, without killing thousands of people, JUST as Saddam did...had they listened, Saddam could have told them all about it....go BUSH! All the way to hell.


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