The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> 88 are killed in "suicide" blast

88 are killed in "suicide" blast
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Saturday, January 2 2010, 7:46:42 (CET)
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88 people were killed today in Pakistan and the media says it was a "suicide" who detonated a bomb on himself. Again, this attack is pointless as all the dead are civilians and own people. the attack in Afghanistan made more sense as the target were those who are enemies, but to kill your own is pointless and makes no sense. it's easy to kill people and say it was a "suicide" blast, yet the cia is known for doing dirty work for their best interest. Ameriaca is also known to have killed its own, and although, i am not saying the attack in Afghanistan was bogus, i still wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be a self inflicted scenario. They now admit that the gulf of Tonkin was bogus so who knows how much more.


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