The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> American "social policy"...

American "social policy"...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Sunday, August 2 2015, 15:36:01 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

"Officer fatally shot during traffic stop in Memphis; killer on the run"

Neglect the poor, especially the poor children...give them as little as possible and then pay cops plenty to kill them later on, when they become "dangerous".

And "I felt fear for my life" has been the excuse of choice for police when they kill unarmed Blacks...the cop was "afraid"...even though it turns out the victim had no weapon...just the THOUGHT that he might have one, is enough to scare the cop into shooting first...and many times the cops lie afterward to justify their "fear".

If that is the case then how much more reason does a Black man have to be afraid, to be REALLY afraid when a cop pulls him over? Chances are pretty good that the cop will shoot why not, in "self-defense", shoot first?

This is the endgame of the kind of neglect our society now suffers the effects of.


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