The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Assyria and God

Assyria and God
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, November 22 2007, 16:29:57 (CET)
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When I was a Christian, I had msny questions, concerns and thoughts but there were no answers to my questions in the Bible nor could my teachers answer them. I had gotten to a point in just giving up and just "having faith". I began to believe that there are somethings that we just can't know or find answers to, in many cases our teachers in school and church used intimidation to silence us when they became confused. Now, although my parents were both Nestorians,one being 25er and the other being 7er, they both agreed that I should go to a religious school. So, I grew up going to a Catholic runned school, and later on I began going to an Evangelic church. Then I gave up for a while and didn't care. I was brought up believing that since I am an Assyrian and I been baptized, I am good to go. We are right and everyone else got it wrong. "lucky me that I was born an Assyrian" I said to myself.

So, that didn't always last or work out right since I had concerns and questions. I then began going to the Protestant churches or as some say "born again" Christians like President Bush is. I got involved with their various cults, sects and denomination and saw that they didn't have much answers either except their "salvation" resulted from "just having faith in the crucifixion of God and his ressurrection" instead of just "baptism" and the other things. So, while I remained going to their churches, I met a Muslim who was sort of ignorant of his faith. My hatred and ignorance for Islam was very known at the time and would never even bother looking elsehweher. In my mind, although Christianity consisted of some 34,000 hostile sects and cults and with many of them having their own book and doctrine, "we Christians" still got it right and everyone else can go the hell.

Well, after I met this individual, although he never spoke or preached his religion, I decided to look at Islam for once from it's own teachings rather than from hearsay. I was so desperate for answers and had so much difficulty that I decided to look at the "religion of my enemies". I grabbed my friend's copy of the translation of the Quran and began reading a few verses just to make fun of it and see what "none sense" was in it. I was shocked when I couldn't put it down anymore and I kept reading pages after pages. When my homie came back, I asked if I could borrow this book and he said "sure you can have it in fact" Si, I said cool and I kept it.

I must say within a few hours I had found answers which I believed was not possible to know in this "life" and answers to the questions that I had for almost 20 years. Now, I don't mean to bore anyone to death with this story of mine but it is essntial for me to make the point that I am trying to explain. I realized from the Quran that there was only 1 world faith or "way" and that this 1 religion was always the same since the beginning of mankind. I remember reading "mankind was once one community, but they only split themselves after guidance came" and I always wondered what is up with all the world religions and how almost in every one of them, the concept of God is there and it is one and the same. Quran explained how and when idol worship began, how everything became split and divided, how the religion or way before God is 1 and the same, and the religion which Muhammad(pbuh) preached was not different from what Adam, Moses, Abraham, Jesus and the other prophets preached, but it was the same one and only correct way with the final completion.

The Quran explains how after the time of Adam(pbuh) and in ancient times, God send to every community or nation a prophet/messenger to teach the
"straight way" and call people to the true path. Every nation/community received someone who spoke their language and in most cases was of that tribe or nation. But the generations who followed and those who were arrogant rejected that message and became corrupt. Some nations and people received several messengers or prophets. So, Muhammad(pbuh) was not different or above those prophets, but he was rather just the "seal of the prophets" and he came with a final scripture and teachings which are for all of mankind for ever.

Now thins brings me to the subject of Assyria, but I will have to continue in another message.


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