The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Dear Bill Yonan,

Dear Bill Yonan,
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Wednesday, February 28 2007, 3:42:35 (CET)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...Maggie insists she gave you every email from me. I think she is lying. I`ve coppied both your last email to me and the reply I just received, from Maggie, written as always on your account and your behalf.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I apologise.
Not much time for anything lately and now Im not feeling well, just enough to respond quickly as to not keep you waiting any longer and go home for rest.
In order to clear up this email back and forth mess upon mess as you said, please ask XXXX if she would go ahead with the proceed on all three lots so that we can start the process on getting our titles like everyone else has.
What just happened with the previous prospective buyer was normal. The potential buyer would not touch it because he is right, the proper documents are missing and I dont blame him for not wanting to be in the same mess as we are today.
In the mean time we keep going around in circles. This is not the proper way of selling real estate and the previous potential buyer as well as everyone else knows that.
We would like to sell the lots holding titles in our names first, than there will not be the confusion with third parties and transfers and questions of legitamacy.
If XXXXX wants to charge us per lot, thats fine to...... along with expenses she incurres.
That is only fair. But this thing is getting very old and very tiring.
Please Let XXXX tell us how much it will cost and when she is willing to finalize the titles for us at the proceed and we will wire the money per her response and start putting an end to finalizing this for good.
If she is unwilling to work with us, then please let us know as well so that we may fly out to meet her on an agreed date so that we can notorize the final lot and drive to proceed ourselves. One way or the other, we want to get done with this as well as you do.

Bravo Co. Security you can see you apologized for the delay and asked me to proceed in a timely manner...and may I remind you that I`m not in the real estate business but of attacking Assyrians...and this is all taking from my time...I got into this from the start to do you and your fat sister a favor and I am still regretting it to this day. say in your letter that it is fair to pay expense etc...I think so too. I specifically explained to you that you would have to pay the expenses first, in order to get the process started that would GET you the titles you ask seemed to me you understood that, from your reasonable letter.

..that was several days ago...days without any further response from you at a time when you knew I needed you to sign and return by fax the authorization we needed before we could present your is this, your own desire to get this mess over with and my needing signed authorization slips from you and Fatso...which made be believe that she was not allowing you to see your own email, a charge she vehemently denies as she vehemently does everything else..for her people.

..and then today I receive this...written by Hulk, but not on her own account, rather on yours didn`t strike me as the type who would allow himself to be spoken for by his big sister forever...I guess I was wrong...and this is what forces me to try to reach you this that someone you might know will alert you that the entire world, as Fatso calls it, is privy to our business and the fact that if you had balls once, your sister now has those too

Here is the email "you" just sent me...

"For you information, Bill received your e-mail the day you sent it. He's been waiting for you to send us the titles so that we can pay XXXX`s fees."

Bravo Co. Security get the titles to send to you, the papers left with us have to be turned in...and for seeing the whole process through to the end, when the titles would be isued...meant I needed that authorization form I sent the bare expenses to be incurred by XXXX...because I am not the one doing this...I`m trying to salvage my own standing for ever having brought you and Lump to this lovely country. This is my agree, yourself, that all is fair and right and ask me to hurry it all along...I send you, the same day, the paper I need you to sign so I can do as you a request for the fees to DO this thing with, which you said already are fair etc...and then I get nothing back for several days...while Klepto assures me she placed the request on your desk the very day I sent it.

..something stinks here and it is Fishface, I fear...not you, I assume. I see no use in sending more emails to your account at your business because Fartso is obviously hiding them somewhere...if not...why did she respond to me today and not you? Why is she still and again interposing her Honkers between you and I when I expressly told her I never needed to hear from her again?

..I hope you have a friend somewhere who will tell you what is happening...and fer chrissakes and for the peace of mind of us all in the world, get your sister SPAYED or something...especially before taking her out of Turlock where the dogs don`t much care.

..I would have liked nothing more than to end this amicably and privately...but you or rather Jellybelly has again put me in a bad light, and over the SAME two Assyrians...and even though its your sister and her malicious jealousy that`s behind it..she is YOUR sister and not my problem...and I don`t intend to be jerked by her any longer..not there and never here. Hope to hear from you soon...have a nice day.

farid can keep your old asshole...


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