The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> One More Time...

One More Time...
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Thursday, September 17 2009, 20:33:33 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
Website title:

...give us only ONE instance, from real history, when Muslims forced people to convert on pain of death...only one.

...I can provide several, and already have, from real sources, which show how often Christians killed people who refused to be baptized. Look at all of Latin America...the entire world knows just how the people there were "converted". Do you think African slaves brought to America or Europe willingly left their own religions for Christianity, the religion of their enslavers? How do you think Americas Blacks became Christian?

...if Christian are suffering in Iraq today it is not because of their religion, for that religion has thrived and survived since the Arab is because of the things Christians are DOING, mostly foreign Christians but also with the loud approval of Christians such as yourself who enjoy seeing Islam murdered...naturally there is hostility towards Iraqi Christians as a result of this war...but not because of Jesus.

Give us only ONE example, from real history, of forced conversion or people being killed JUST because they were Christian...and for goodness sake don't include wars between nations and religions...or do you maintain that Christian nations have never fought wars against other Christians no less...perhaps you heard of World War Two?...maybe you can get Bet-Shlimon to help you.


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