The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: As far as talented speakers

Re: As far as talented speakers
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, December 29 2010, 15:39:11 (UTC)
from *** - *** - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
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>And Pancho, I honestly believe, and not trying to stroke your balls as a fan of yours, hehe, but you could really catch Hitchens off guard because I don't see many raising the issue that you do.

...I have to admit I do fantacize about how I would deal with him...he is a formidable debator and Iīve had very little experience and am nowhere near as well read as he which heīs faster on his feet....but he has his weak points too. He also uses "tricks"...and it pissed me off that the camera would pan away from Galloway to show us Hitchens mugging or clowning while his opponent was most passionate and scoring well....this is a slightly dirty trick but the cameraman should not have indulged Hitchens so.

...what I would keep reminding Hitchens is that it is no good pointing out the many flaws in Muslim thinking, religion or behavior...that unless youīre ready to kill every last Muslims man, woman and child (as Christians tried to do with Jews) this business of killing only several thousand or a few million of them would NOT pacify would not make them better Muslims....or people...all you would accomplish is to make them TOUGHER and more formidable (as the Jews/Zionists became)...and, that when itīs a question, not of equally matched armies, but occupation and insurgency, not even the Nazis succeeded.

...sadly we have had to wait for the evidence on the ground to show Hitchens that he was dead wrong in thinking the Iraq war was a good war...that Iraqis would welcome and thank Christian nations etc. He used all his admirable and clever arguments to "prove", way back then, that what we see today would NEVER happen...that the wars would not increase and expand...but they HAVE. of course we couldnīt "prove" it more than he can PROVE God doesnīt exist...but itīs improbable that he does...just as improbable that Iraqis would thank foreign nations occupying their lands and murdering their children....I mean Hitchens goes so far as to slander Britainīs Lancet medical journal, the Red Cross AND Johns Hopkins Medical Center for LYING about casualty figures of dead Iraqi children...he would go THAT far!!! It was a breathtaking sight to see.


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