The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: TYPICAL!!!

Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Sunday, November 25 2007, 14:52:00 (CET)
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Muncho wrote:
>Of course there is no point in me asking you what language the ORIGINAL Qur'an was written in; and there is no point in asking you how the Othoman ordered the burning of ALL the versions of Qur'an, and left only ONE that he "liked"...

The Quran was and always has been in Arabic, and no it was not written in Syriac as you may like to imagine. Just because there are similar words that sound Aramaic, it's not Aramaic but it's because of the Semitic languages. So there is no pint of asking me which language it was written because it was written in Arabic and it was revealed in 7 dialects. As fof Uthman what he burned were not different versions but incomplete personal portions of the Quran without the vowels and marks which make pronouncing easier for non Arabs. That is what Muslims do with worn out cipes of the Quran even today. We don't throw them away but we burn it rather. So, don't twist things for your own prejudices and convenience. The Quran was memorriezed back then just as we memorize it today by the millions, and every Muslim including myself, have many portions of the Quran memorized by heart and we recited it daily. The Quran was never disputed and we don't have different "versions" as with the "Bible", but we have different style of writing such as kufic etc, and we have different dialects, for example, some people say "Atheem" and others prounce it "Azeem" etc. That is the only difference. So there is nothing to hide nor did Uthman(ra) do anything illegal or corrupt, but he simply got the manuscripts from Prophet Muhammad's wive and used it when making the Quran into book forms and send to the Islamic lands. Quran does not have the history of the Bible where millions were killed over it's authenticity or for even asking what's in it. The Bible only recently came into existense and became available to it's people. It was always "property of the church" before. Not so with the Quran which has and always was in the hands and minds of the people. Good try though.
>Let's skip all the stuff that we could argue about for years to no avail, and

see how "pure" your THOUGHTS are about the Qur'an, to know how much "logic, "facts", and "common sense" you can come up with.
>In the last post, I asked you a question. Since you so happily decided to skip it, I want to start with the same question... (there are many many more to come).
>I said: "What an ignorant statement, that Always comes from Fools that have lost touch with reality...... (So we'll go to Jan'na and receive SEVEN VIRGINS, ha?) lol "
>You replied: "Don't be foolish now, ok lol."
>Why am I foolish? isn't that written in the Qur'an?

Where do you see in the Quran a specific number like 70 etc? Yes it does speak of the women in pardise and it's not something I am ashamed of, why is that so horrible as a reward for living a righteous life while we were here? I mean unless a person is gay I don't see what's so horrible about that. Secondly, it is angry Christian missionaries who have made this a big deal and try to use it to make us look bad, but we not ashamed of a single verse in the Quran and every word is from God as revealed through Gabriel to Muhammad(pbuh) over a period of 23 years. But when you see anywhere in the Quran where it says 72,74 or whatever number some have claimed it says let me know, ok? I will be waiting.
I know it's in the Sorat AL-WAQI'AH... And you know very well it is there... So Please don't make me waste my time just to find out and tell you where exactly it is written...

I know exactly where it's written and it is also mentioned briefly in a few other verses elsewhere in the Quran, but we know the whole purpose and we know exactly what is being talked about. But we don't compare the goods of the hereafter with this life because this life is only to work and achieve the good of the herafter which not temporarly.
So, can you please explain with your "common sense", based on your "facts" and using your "logic" what that passage is all about?

If you can be more specific of what exactly you want to know, I will be more than glad to answer you. So don't be shy to ask just tell me specifically what your question is or what you want to know and I will provide the answer. Thanks for asking and hope to hear from you soon,insallah. Oh yeah what is up with this "AssyrianMazloom" huh? that sounds so redneckish. that's how people from Alabama, Georgia, and the rest of the suthern states talk, but I think it's funny lol.


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