The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: The modern Assyrian myth

Re: The modern Assyrian myth
Posted by Ashur (Guest) - Thursday, March 8 2012, 15:11:57 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Eat a dick will ya!!! Your fucking pussy asses will be dealt your mouth and that is all you have...a big fucking mouth!!! All of you inbred fucks are all a bunch of pussies. Mr fagiot Pancho from Mexico!! Call me Farid you Kurdish pussy...I will have your ass the second you call me...4055894590!! You motherfuckin all the shit you want...nobody is listening to your jerry curled ass nigger fro!! You hook nosed fat fuck!! Take after that fat nasty stinky bitch mother of yours. You guys believe that we are me motherfuckin hypocrit!! Everything I say you reverse it like the pussy bitch you are...keep hiding pussy!! If only you knew what I know...MATMARIAM IN LEH KHAT LEE LOKH LEWIN ATOURAYA...HAJDEEYA MEHTIT<<<<WATCH!! NASHA OWA LEH BE DYAH HICH MIN DEE...MEH TEH!! I SWEAR TO GOD...


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