The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Total hypocracy of the worse kind

Re: Total hypocracy of the worse kind
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, December 6 2007, 3:28:39 (CET)
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Another thing I find shocking yet interesting is how these fanatics hate Jews but believe that God is Jewish, lol. Except for a small number of Unitarian Christians, all of the various sects of Christendom agree on thie god head of Jesus(pbuh). So, how can this fanatic Christian(JUMBLAT) refer to Jews aqs "cancer" and clearly demonstrate his hatered for them yet forget that the Israelite whom he believes is his God and lord is also Jewish. Now, we as Muslims believe in Jesus(pbuh), we believe that he was the messiah/christ(annointed) we believe he was a prophet of God and came to guide the "children of israel" back to the correct path that the majority had forgotten under Hellenism. It was the real Jews(Orthodox) who had accepted him and they didn't convert because there was nothing to convert to. But you the "gentiles" as they call you, you believe that Jesus Christ(pbuh) was not only a human and just another prophet from the long chain of Israeli prophets but you believe he was God. Now believing in a God who is Jewish and then referring to his people as a "cancer" doesen't go well together.

It's time to admit that your full of shit and you follow nothing but vain desires and church traditions. You hate Jews, yet you follow a paganized version of Judaism. You say the Jews deserve what they get because of their conspiracies against your assyria and because they are a "cancer" yet believe in a God who is a Jew. That don't make sense at all, but sounds like a confusion. In reality, you people are a big confusion and you know it too, but you need something that can distinguish you people from others. It's sad at the same time because you guys hide behind this Assyrian label and wear it the fuck out when in reality there is nothing Assyrian about you guys. If you were truly for Assyrians, you would rejoice at every one who is passionate about Assyrian heritage no matter what faith they follow, but you people are a Christian denomination and your entire "nationalism" is build around your church.

What makes you people truly Assyrians and the Chaldeans or Arameans don't have ligit claims to what they say? Before the Chaldeans became Roman Catholic, they were only known as "Suraye" and "Nestorians" of course. Wether Jacobite, Nestorian or Chaldean, all agreed and called themselves "Suraye". Today Chaldeans claim to be descendants of the ancient Chaldeans and the western Arameans claim to be descendants of the ancient Arameans. You the church of the east fanatics and others like you, claim that all the others are bogus and only Assyrian is truly correct. What makes you rightfully Assyrian more than they are Chaldean or Arameans? how did they not survive but only Assyrians? Why is that you people are in the same boat as them. You were only "Suraye" and "Nestorians" for all these centuries, and suddenly became Assyrians only after the British came. You didn't know anything about Assyrians before. Nothing at all, but everything about nestorianism.

So you can do as you please but know that people are aware of your games and it won't work. You are not truly Assyrians but a people who received this name less than a 100 years ago. You have no evidence for your claims of direct descendants of ancient Assyrians. You demand evidence from Chaldeans yet forget that you are in the same boat.


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