The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Why Are Assyrians Opposed To Change

Re: Why Are Assyrians Opposed To Change
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Tuesday, February 7 2012, 3:24:41 (UTC)
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True, indeed. Assyrians are too ignorant to know that. I lived in europe for the early part of my life and none of the kids I went to school with were baptized or went to church. Most didn't even give a fuck. Someone I know recently went to sweden and said he was told by his tour guide that sweden was the last country in europe to become christian and they were also the first to kick it out. Same is true of denmark, norway, holland, etc. Most are atheists or don't believe in the abrahamic god, but assyrians don't get it because in their mind everyone who is white is christian. I remember a turkish guy getting into a fight with a german that I knew and my cousin jumped in to help the german. I asked why he got involved and he said because he is christian at least. The dude was not even a christian but to my dumb cousin he must have been because he was white.

Two of my uncles are married to european women and neither of them believes in god or have ever been to church. The only people that may give attention to the "we are persecuted christians" are few of the silly pastors who have their own agendas. Even the british never cared about assyrians being christian but they saw a chance to exploit them and it worked. The english didn't want to risk their own lives so they sent us in to be the bridge and we fell for it. We aren't the only people who fell for this old british trick but we are the only who still do it.


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