The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: arrow's silly tactics

Re: arrow's silly tactics
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Sunday, April 29 2012, 22:23:25 (UTC)
from - Network - -
Website title:

Fareed wrote:
>Thank you.
>You have just established my statement about you as a FACT - You are an immature person.
>Your post must be addressed to me because I can’t see any post from Arrow talking about “what facts are”. In fact, I had to go back 4 or 5 pages on the index to locate a post from Arrow.
>But in your head, you have it as a “fact” that I am Arrow posting under Fareed...
>Rashad, if you had any brain whatsoever you would have searched the IP addresses to see where Arrow posts from and where I am posting from... a mature person does that but not you... You must believe that by using a lot of dirty words, readers will trust what you say more...
>You brainless little boy... I only tried to help you grow up... You hopeless Lice.
>Arrow is in JORDAN and I am in AUSTRALIA.
>So you see? This is a Perfect example of how Stupid you are with your so called facts... You truly are hopeless and a waste of time.
>No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to use your head properly, let alone decently. You are stupid, dirty, ugly and immature inside and out. Euthanize yourself and do everyone a favour. The world is a better place without your kind.

Aww habibi arrow, what's the matter? Did I hurt your vagina? It's okay, put some ice on it for a while.


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