The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: but then...

Re: but then...
Posted by Ashur (Guest) - Friday, February 24 2012, 16:56:44 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
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Do you remember any Bible Verses? How about this one...I mean even though you are Atheist at least the book has some clarity on early is a quote from the Bible>>>Ezekiel 23 - Title "Two Adulterous Sisters"... obvious that Chaldeans were connected to the Assyrians and lets also not forget that Assyrians ruled over babylon after Assyria fell? But thats not thepoint yur bringing up...youre not talking about the old old days but actually only 2000 years back? First off what does Chaldean mean to you? Have you noticed how all of then are Roman Catholic? My mother was Chaldean bro so please dont go there...even the Chaldean priest admitted they are all Assyrians. So many different Chaldeans know this is false. Also if this is a conspiracy against Chaldeans by Assyrian then please explain why they have Muslims names? BTW you also havent answered any of my questions regarding the map? Let me ask you this...what was first, Nestorians or Chaldeans Church? Also did we go and follow Nestorius or did he follow us?? in mind that we agreed with his doctrine which means we had one to begin with. Does the shoe not fit the story? We have an obvious Arabinzation going on here and plus the Chaldeans once again are Roman Catholic? They have obviously recorded history since they have a story about a murder that took place between to Priest's? From Church documents, John Speed maps or should I say advanced math/history, artifacts or even our neighbors we can prove we are Assyrian. IO thank you for making these false claims because it actuall makes us popular...I'm not worried about what people think! Anyone reading this would know whos right and being wrong lol!


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