The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: dropping the bomb...

Re: dropping the bomb...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Monday, December 22 2014, 3:29:33 (UTC)
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Website title: Document Has Moved

"Christians give themselves this excuse..." without those bombs thousands of our SOLDIERS would have died trying to end that war." In the first place, that isn't true...Japan was trying to surrender....but never mind that."

-- Exactly. I think it was George Keenan or maybe someone else who later wrote in his memoir that the decision to drop the bombs had to do with exhibiting to the Soviets the unprecedented super destructive power we now posses, especially after the Soviets led on by a nod from D.C. attacked Japan. I also think another angle was to show the British that it was time to hang up their gloves and retire from being the Masters of the Universe. It's a sick, sadistic means of proving a point, somewhat like Nixon's "Madman Theory" when he decided to unleash hell upon the Cambodians to show the North Vietnamese that we can collectively barbecue them the way we did the peasants of Cambodia, next door. And as far as Cambodia, we can look back and see similarities of how the Khmer led by Pol Pot emerged from the ashes of incessant storm of napalm, like an mad and bloodthirsty Phoenix, almost a mirror image of the way in which Daesh (ISIS) came upon the scene.


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