The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: hypocrisy?

Re: hypocrisy?
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Sunday, December 5 2010, 6:50:39 (UTC)
from *** - *** Network - Windows XP - Mozilla
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what peace deal? What the fuck are they talking about? Israel has been promoting war since before its illegal inception...BUT, the culprit in all of this is not the Jews and it definitely is not the Palestinians: it is the same fucking Christians who tried to murder them all...first Jews and now Muslims.

Israel is a dumping ground for American weapons and a major source for unlimited profits for our warmongers and weapons dealers...Israel hasn't the money to wipe its own arse...they get the money to buy weapons turned out by our corporations from US...from our Treasury and that could go to schools and hospitals here...and it's the perfect Christian scam because it leads foolish people to buy into that old lie that Jews control EVERYTHING...that Israel is driving American foreign policy instead of the other way is the United States which drives Israeli policy...and for the money to flow Israel MUST NOT HAVE PEACE.

Follow the Money....always follow the money.


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