The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> That was one of my points the other day

That was one of my points the other day
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Monday, November 26 2007, 4:44:46 (CET)
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This Jumblat person has constantly attacked or criticized Islam and Muslims for their beliefs. As he said, Christians can pray wherever, whenever and however they want. Appearntly he thinks that the second pillar of Islam, the "salaat" is the same as "prayer". Although it is usually called or translated as "prayer" it is not the same. Jumblat, with all due respect, but you don't have any idea of what you are talking about. You Christians don't know or have "salaat" but you have "prayer". What you call prayer whe have in Islam as well and we call it "dua" or "making dua". That can be done in any language, any time, anywhere, sitting, standing, laying down in bed or whatever. But "salaat" which every Muslim is obligated to do, is totally different. It is not prayer, but it is a "special worship" which has to be done throughout the day during it's prescribed time periods and it consists of not only words, but of standing, bowing and prostrating to the ground.

There are many purposes and benefits in the salaat. It prevents and eliminates bad thoughts, it keeps a person spiritually strong and has an affect on his behavior, it makes him/her responsible, it gives peace starting from within(but don't mean others will give you peace) it keeps a person close with the Creator, gives guidance and no matter what or where, a person has always a direct 1 on 1 relationship with the Creator, and I say Creator and not a saint, priest, rock, picture or some other image. So while they criticize the Salaat, this is the whole benefit behind it. That is why this pillar is so important and it is somewhat hard to explain in words, but it really has an effect on a person. It is not like a prayer or where you can do 4 and not do the 5th, but no it is as if a person didn't do em at all. They all gotta be done and have to be done during their prescribed time periods. Now from my own experience and from meeting Muslims from all over the world, I have noticed the behavior, and the personality of a practicing Muslim who lives according to the Quran and Sunnah and the people that Assyrians call Muslims. I am not saying that every one who makes his 5 daily salaats is perfect, but I am saying that when they do that it will definetely make a difference. It starts with that and then of course doing the rest of Islam.

Now as far as justice is concerned, I once again have to agree with my brother Pancho. I don't like to sit and wait for God to bring a person to justice in the "hereafter" but I rather see the person get here first and then there. And that was one of the things that attracted me to Islam at first was its justice system and how it offers justice. I have heard some Muslims especially after 9/1 saying "Islam is peace" well yes but "Islam is justice" too. It leades to "peace" as well but it and encourages "justice". Of course I was brought up believing that there is nothing we can do or say but just let "God handle it" but I learned that this was not from the teachings of God but it was rather "doctrine of men" and the same people who teach so are the ones who take advantage and kill by the millions or enjoy every corruption in this life. So the Islamic justice was definetly one of the top things which attracted me to it.

As far as Christianity and its doctrines for "salvation" not only are they confusing when one decides to know them without just blind faith, but they are brutal and very "paganized" in many cases. As you said, there is no "salvation" without the bloody and brutal crucifixion. And ask a Christian what kind of blood thirsty God is this that only through a bloody death can someone achieve "salvation" and they answer me by saying out of embarrassment that it is "love". That is not love nor is it mercy because they claim that every human is "born a sinner" because of Adam. Well since Adam decided to eat the apple without asking me, Pancho and the billions and more who came after him, how can that be "mercy" when we are born "sinners" without a choice or even a say in it?

Isn't that funny. In one case, the Christian born again cultist tells me that "we are all born sinners wether we like it or not" but, when it comes to salvation, we have to accept the bloody murder of Jesus(pbuh). In one place, a person has no choice but is already born a sinner before even knowing right from wrong, yet now the bloody sacrifice becomes an "option" yet the only way for salvation. When it comes to salvation, you have the choice to accept or not, but when it comes to being born, there is no choice in it, where does that make sense or even show "mercy"? We are punished for a crime we never committed, yet are only forgiven by accepting the work of someone else. I guess Pancho you can rob a bank and take full advantage and I will go to jail, and if you go to court and the Christian judge asks you "why did you do it, tell him that "I thought Jesus payed the price for my sins or did he not?" watch the reaction of the judge and how he will think your nuts.

So, it definetely has an effect on a person. i remember as a little child sitting at church staring at the ceiling seeing this handome looking Greek looking man hangiing on a cross with blood dripping from him and people sitting on th benches at churches or bowing infront of statues lighting candles, I always knew in my heart that was something wrong with all this, but I finally knew it wasn't me but it was what I had been exposed to without a choice. I then as I grew up and later came to discover Islam I knew that I was I guess Muslim all along since I always that that a person had to be good and bare responsibility for his/her actions. And "love" "mercy" and basic knowledge is something that we are all born with but we become corrupt by what we are exposed to. And we grow up and allow our prejudices, family traditions, society or whatever else get in our way, we become like Jumblat and others who are driven by hate and make fools of themselves.

So you are right by saying all religions are not all the same. The "salvation" in Christianity comes from a " blood sacrifice" and from the "eucharist" that drinking blood and eating the flesh, and these teachings are derived straight from "pagan" mythologies. There is no way and no how that Jesus(pbuh) would plagiarize these paganized doctrines and teach contrary to what his belief was. The Jews lived and died with the "law" and for a "messiah" to come and all of the sudden teach this hellenized pagan doctrine, is totally absurd and unreal. That is not the Jesus of history or reality, but the Jesus of the hellenized imagination. But so long as one really believes that he died on the cross and payed for the sins, I guess they are justified in their actions for their doctrine and founder of the religion(Paul) taught that Jesus(pbuh) took care of the "sin" problem. So, technically they can behave or do as they please, but of course, there are good hearted and sincere Christians but that does not come from Christianity nor it's doctrines but rather from that fitrah or "pure nature" that we are all born with.

Good points and as always couldn't agree with you more. Peace.


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