The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Yes Arrow, God Is Fantasy

Yes Arrow, God Is Fantasy
Posted by Anonymous (Guest) - Wednesday, February 29 2012, 19:04:14 (UTC)
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Arrow wrote:
>On stage magic, the illusionist displays an empty hat, out of which he then pulls a rabbit. “Where did the rabbit come from?”, we ask. “That's a silly question” atheists retort, “Of course it came from nowhere! Don't you know that the universe, on its own, also came from nowhere?”

Firstly, no Atheist claims that the Universe "came from nowhere". That is a straw man set up by moronic Theists. In order to detract from the absurdity that underscores the entire premise of their argument. Which is ultimately that a God, who magically appeared out of nowhere as if he/she/it was part of an incantation spell and procured this Universe out of nothing.

>There are two possibilities:
>1. The universe was created
>2. It came into existence out of sheer chance.

False dichotomy. It's highly likely that the Universe has always subsisted in some form or another. Especially considering that the very essence of Space, time and matter consists of energy. And since the Conversation of energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It stands to reason that such a scenario is highly probable. So invoking the need for a creator is not only utterly daft, it's unnecessary.

Also, you don't seem to realize that the Big Bang model, which by the way, is supported by evidence, explains that the Universe EXPANDED not CREATED from a compressed focal point in which all Space, time and matter was encapsulated under extremely hot, dense pressure. We can observe the aftereffects of this phenomenon, via the Cosmic Microwave Background.

>Should we place faith in the second statement? Do things happen on their own, move on their own, spring out of non-existence on their own, and without any reason or purpose?

Scientists and Atheists don't place faith in anything. Faith is the belief in something without or in spite of evidentiary support for or against it. It is the antithesis of reason. It's nothing more than gullibility. We Skeptics, Scientists and Naturalists utilize Logic, Reason and most importantly EVIDENCE to verify our beliefs and claims. Unlike the Religionists, and specifically those who subscribe to Christianity. Who believe that a man, who was his own father and also the creator of the Universe, was nailed to some sticks in an effort to redeem himself of the Sins that he himself created in the first place.

>If we consider all the knowledge in the world and how much do we know of it, how can we say “for sure there is no God”?

Atheists aren't the ones postulating a positive affirmation of knowledge of something, since most Atheists are Negative Atheists. Which are those who have an absence of a belief in a deity and/or deities due to a lack of evidence. The onus of proof is on the Theist, since the Theist is the one asserting that a God exists, and is therefore posting a knowledge claim that requires justification.

But since I'm a Positive Atheist, I can disprove the existence of your God using Deductive Reasoning based on the nature of reality.


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