The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> desperately seeking truth

desperately seeking truth
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Wednesday, October 7 2009, 20:47:40 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...still looking for that one person who will admit that the neo-con agenda is a deliberate thing, not the result of "failed" policies.

A group of wealthy people, using Christianity as their shield, embarked, a long time ago, on trying to secure their own personal wealth, expand it by any means and, as in the 50s, creating the right "enemy" in order to get the the rest of us to "vote" them into power, because they could "protect us".

These people aren't patriotic by any means...they'll live anywhere they please and are more than happy to destroy their own country if in doing so they increase their personal wealth and power.

They are diseased, sick....having long ago lost any recognizab'e humanity or purpose in life except the mad accumulation of wealth they can't possibly need for any human need....any healthy end.

They aren't Christian, they aren't religious except in so far as wealth is their maximize their wealth they will do literally anything, because it "serves their god": money.

But please...none of this is an "accident" or mistake...and it isn't the usual kind of's just what results from decades of building and destroying and coveting...

Obama will either be the one to begin to blow the lid...or the one who sanitizes and makes acceptable what was begun before his time as president.


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