The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> let's cut the crap.....

let's cut the crap.....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, November 25 2014, 16:15:35 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...many many whites would love to have an excuse to shoot a Black....many men lust after killing women....

As far as Fergusson is concerned the issue is not the "evidence on the ground"...the larger issue is the tons of evidence which exists that Black people in America are treated in ways which would make ANYONE hostile towards authority....the right of Blacks to resent white authority is never spoken of...the game is presented as if Blacks had no special reason to dislike white authority and they're just "like that": behaving badly with no special reason at all.

The same approach is used against Muslims...they're just "like that"...meaning they, or their religion, makes them behave isn't anything BAD being done to them which would lead anyone to fight back.

Whites are hiding behind "procedure" and "the Law" to continue persecuting Blacks...and the worst thing that happened to race relations is Obama because now, whenever Blacks express their legitimate anger they have to hear "You have a Black PRESIDENT...what are YOU complaining of"?


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