The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> sad Blacks

sad Blacks
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Friday, October 25 2013, 1:28:43 (UTC)
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...the sadest Blacks of all are the eager ones who try to be good Republicans....saw a clip of a republican recruiting meeting in South Carolina....young and older Blacks in their Sunday best mingling with whitefolk....and you know what they're thinking..."Racism is over if you pretend it is, and these white folk are willing to they let me in and let me eat with them"'s no big deal to be Black and a democrat...that's the "people's" party already...but the Republicans are the elite, the super-patriotic the's the difference between joining the YMCA or the Country heart goes out to them because I can just about imagine what a burden it is to carry the self-conscious burden of being hated and feared and sneered at...the desire to believe it's all over is strong...and I wonder....Is there something particular to some Blacks, something that breally hurts their self-esteem that they are over-eager to join the Republicans because that's the MOST whitewashing group there is.


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