The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> suggestion to muncho

suggestion to muncho
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, December 8 2007, 20:55:15 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
Website title:

If you want to be taken seriously and have people engage in serious discussion with you, I suggest you try a less childish approach. I said we can accommodate anything here, grant anyone his or her freedom…but we’re also free to ignore anything.

If I’ve sharpened my wits against the flat heads of your fellows it was only because they refused to discuss in a serious manner but made running pot shots as you do…also they banned and deleted as a way of avoiding issues. I would have far preferred to have had the sort of opportunity you have here; to discuss everything in any way, raise any issues, argue as forcefully and completely as I could and let it go at that. I’ve never had a desire to “change a mind”. Minds aren’t shoes.

If anything you come across stimulates your intellectual curiosity, that’s wonderful. I haven’t made up or invented anything, neither was it fed to me by anyone…I felt challenged by some ideas, enough to want to explore them further…many I rejected, some I saw merit in…and it’s those I share here. We wouldn’t mind at all to have you provide us with that same service.

If, however, the best use you can make of this freedom is to partake in these silly put-downs and witticisms, according to your lights…go ahead. Who will stop you and who cares?

But, if you should ever want to talk for real…then act real…save your clown act for when it’s needed…for when you finally get that virgin.


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