The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> the defect in democracy

the defect in democracy
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Thursday, August 16 2007, 17:19:45 (CEST)
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...Dan Rather and other journalists are admitting now that they feared for their jobs...and in many cases lost jobs, if they challenged the patriotic bandwagon the Bush administration was mounting for a run at our Constitution and Treasury. Bush and his cronies managed to build enough momentum with their bogus patriotism that no one, or no one's boss, dared examine the glaring flaws and holes in the argument to go to war with Iraq.

..politicians were in the same quandry...and that's what kills democracy eventually...every time. The mass of people determine policy...not their leaders...they don't create policies but they're the ones to decide on them...any politician actually trying to lead the crowd in a direction they don't want to go will simply be voted out of office...politicians do not lead, they pander. And eventually, as the electorate gets dumber and dumber, they elect leaders to suit them...and the whole thing goes to hell in a ballot box.


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