The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> white assyrians

white assyrians
Posted by assyrian athiest (Guest) - Saturday, October 17 2009, 22:18:49 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
Website title:

...a few years back in Detroit I visited a family and saw there a young woman with her four year-old son...both had the most beautiful flaming red/gold hair I'd ever seen....and without the splotchy skin most Anglos of such color have...both had clear, healthy skin that was a warm shade of white with no freckles...and the mother had vivid green eyes while the boy had the deepest blue eyes I'd ever seen....then I heard the mother speak Chaldean, and I thought, "how nice, this Irish woman has learned our language"...when I commented on this to my host, she said, "don't be silly", she's Chaldean from Iraq and so is her husband."

I was reminded of stories I'd heard my father tell of tribes in the mountains of Iraq where the people had red and blond hair, fair skin and blue and green eyes...I always thought it was a legend...but now that I've seen a couple of them, I believe.

Where did these people originally come from and how is it that in some locations they seem to have remained true to type?

Were we also the first red-heads?


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