The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Hitchens at his worst

Re: Hitchens at his worst
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Sunday, December 28 2014, 19:40:27 (UTC)
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Website title: Document Has Moved

"In his debate with Galloway he several times warns the audience that they are being filmed and should be careful how they respond..of course he means whenever they jeer at him and support Galloway....that is the most disgusting display of all.....that he calls on Big Brother to back him up, to chastise those who disagree with him, on the issues, which they have every right to do....I mean what are people supposed to do when they disagree? Are they to be in fear of being televised? Just what does he mean "be careful"? careful of what? What might happen to them? They come to a debate, in a free and democratic society and have to be told they are under surveillance and might, what? be punished for their views? Views they haven't even expressed, just their displeasure with HIS views, is enough to warrant warnings and surveillance...I think Hitchens is jealous of God. He'd like that kind of power.

This is the same man who inveigles against that "dictator in the sky"....says you have to live under "constant surveillance", from god and "I refuse to be talked to in that manner"...yet the same guy is now warning an audience that THEY are being watched and monitored....a sad and shameful display. I think Hithcens was not at all prepared not to be fawned over...he was stunned that an audience would hoot and jeer at him, at HIM!"

-- What a hypocrite! This coming from the same guy who was calling Saddam a fascist while showing the clip of the Ba'ath conference when Saddam called out the names of members whom he claimed were conspiring against him, each one picked up and let out of the room by security services, while the few remaining members out of sheer terror began yelling "Long Live Saddam!" So yeah "be careful" to not disagree with Saddam Hitchens. He made an ass out of himself. AND... he displayed his class-hatred of the common people, who's representative, George Galloway, was ripping him to pieces. I bet in a bar brawl, Tehrani-style, Galloway would sodomize him after beating him unconscious. Fortunately for Hitchens, only his ego and intellect were sodomized... and I might add, without the courtesy of dab of lube.


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