The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Sargon Paulos and the rhetoric of a defeated nation

Sargon Paulos and the rhetoric of a defeated nation
Posted by JUMBLAT (Guest) - Friday, November 30 2007, 1:12:53 (CET)
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Pancho and Co , this is an article written by an Iraqi writer , he is not ASSYRIAN, and he is NOT CHRISTIAN, kindly you and the so-called Assyrian Muslim open your eyes and hearts to what this IRAQI said about KILLING our people , I hope now on you will shut your mouth UNLESS YOU DO HAVE A DIARRHEA !


Dear all:

You all know that our Assyrian Arabic poet Sargon Paulos by now is dead, but actually he is still alive , alive in the minds and hearts of many that they are not even Assyrians.

Here , I will give a little about what our brother ' Ali Bader ' an Iraqi writer who wrote a very impressive article in the leading Arabic newspaper , ' Al-Hayat ' 11-29-2007.

This is the way Mr. Ali Bader started his article by these words:

" The title of the article is , " Sargon Paulos and the rhetoric of a defeated nation"
He quoted our beloved Sargon Paulos by saying , Everything will disappear , but the name .... this is what Sargon Paulos said in one of his verses... does he was thinking about his strange name from the language which he wrote and he was the one born in the worst humiliation:Bankruptcy of independent, Bankruptcy of a state and bankruptcy of a nation?
In 1933 decided the Iraqi state to KILL the ASSYRIAN people and tried to disperse them while they are the people who BUILT IRAQ.

In the year 1965 he applied for a job in the Iraqi News Agency , but was rejected because the government at the time didn't permit the Assyrians to hold jobs in the News Agency, Teaching and Military .

This is the way Sargon Paulos lived in Iraq , he lived in his defeated nation to write his poems in the language of a victorious nation/ Arab.

For more, kindly read by clicking the Al-Hayat link below.

Ashur Beth-Shlimon
Teshrin Tryana 29, 6757 / November 29, 2007


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